Integrity and excellence - accounting and financial consulting services

October 2012

In this issue: Click to Download PDFTax Office "ups the ante" on tax file number reporting; Excess contributions case - special circumstances win for taxpayer; When is a business a business?; Scams, scams and more scams; Claim the tax-free threshold with more then one employer!; GIC & SIC rates for December 2012 quarter; Download the PDF newsletter.

September 2012

In this issue: Click to Download PDFSmall business audits on the way; Update on the small business benchmarks; Changes that can trigger the new 20% FBT statutory formula rate; New changes affecting SMSF's; ATO tackles 'employee or contractor' question; Beneficiaries of trusts have 4-year amendment periods?; New ATO income tax guide for non-profit organisations; Download the PDF newsletter.

July 2012

In this issue: Click to Download PDFOccupations in the spotlight this tax time, Default assessments for non-lodgers, ASX securities data-matching project, eBay data-matching project, Reporting TFNs quoted to trusts for the first time in 2012, ATO cash sales benchmarks premanently withdrawn, Car parking threshold: 2012/13 FBT year, CGT improvment threshold: 2012/13. Download the PDF newsletter.

August 2012

In this issue: Click to Download PDFATO Compliance Projram 2012/13, ATO discretion to retain refunds - recent changes, GDP adjustment for 2012/13 PAYG instalment amounts, New building industry taxable payments reporting system, Car depreciation limit for 2012/13, Reasonable Overtime Meal Allowance Amounts - 2012/13. Download the PDF newsletter.

June 2012 Checklist - Business

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: Maximising deductions for non-SBE taxpayers, Prepayment strategies - non-SBE, Accelerating expenditure - non-SBE, Accrued expenditure - non-SBE, Maximising deductions for SBE taxpayers, Accelerating expenditure - SBE, Prepayment strategies - SBE, Information required. Download the PDF newsletter.

June 2012 Checklist - Individual

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: Tax saving strategies prior to 1 July 2012, Common work-related claims made by individuals, Information requried. Download the PDF newsletter.

June 2012

In this issue: Click to Download PDFBudget 2012 - Measures previously announced but not going ahead or bing deferred, Phasing out the Mature Age Worker tax offset, Consolidating the dependency offsets into a single tax offset, converting the Education Tax Refund into a new'Schoolkids Bonus', Changes to the Net Medical Expenses tax offset, Non-residents - changes to income tax rates and removal of the 50% CGT discount, Better targeting of the ETP tax offset-crackdown on golden handshakes, Reduction of tax concession for super contributions by high income earners, Company loss 'carry-back' tax relief, Trustee resolutions must be made no later that 30 June, FBT car parking threshold. Download the PDF newsletter.