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Posted in Tax & Accounting.

In this issue; Christmas & Tax, Deduction for self-education courses, Unwrap your future: 12 super tips for a merry and bright retirement, That small farm dream... and tax deductions, How does your super compare with others your age? Download the PDF Newsletter

Posted in Tax & Accounting.

In this issue; How taxable is that side hustle?, The black hole of CGT and trusts, What we know so far about payday super, What tax receipts do I need to keep?, Super on parental leave pay is now law, Download the PDF Newsletter

Posted in Tax & Accounting.

 In this issue; Making contributions later in life, What is the right business structure, Selling a property with mixed rental and residential use, Comparing SMSFs with other super funds, The dangers of failing to declare income or lodge returns, Download the PDF Newsletter

Posted in Tax & Accounting.

 In this issue; Who is a spouse under the tax laws, and why does it matter?, Riding the market waves, Take care if you sell your home after leaving Australia!, Seperation and divorce - CGT consequences... and relief, Setting up an SMSF - Who can join the fund?, "Debt recycling" ...flavour of the month, Download the PDF Newsletter

Posted in Tax & Accounting.

 In this issue; The importance of "Tax Residency", changes to preservation age, CGT & foreign residents: Complex rules apply!, Selling a small business operated through a company, Sell the shares or sell the assets?, Spouse contributions splitting, Breaking up (by text) is hard to do, Small business energy incentive, Download the PDF Newsletter

Posted in Tax & Accounting.

 In this issue; Division 293 tax, The fine line between property development and 'merely realising an asset', The CGT main residence exemption concessions are very useful, The secret life of TFNs, Can I add to my super pension?, Download the PDF Newsletter

Posted in Tax & Accounting.

 In this issue; Making your super last in retirement, Personal services income explained, What's not considered "income" by the ATO?, Don't lose your super to scammers, On-boarding new employees, Download the PDF Newsletter