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Self Managed Superannuation

Self-Managed Superannuation Advice | Chartered Accountants Northern Sydney

A Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) can allow you to control your superannuation while also obtaining tax benefits and reduced administration costs.

We can assist in establishing your own SMSF and with the administration and audit of your SMSF.

Manser Tierney & Johnston is a leading edge provider of administration and taxation advice to trustees of SMSFs and their advisers, including stockbrokers, investment advisers and financial planners.

Whether you are a retiree wanting to implement a retirement income tax strategy or you are still working and accumulating your superannuation asset for retirement, we offer you security and peace of mind that your SMSF is professionally administered.

The services we provide include:

  • Complying SMSF taxation strategy advice
  • SMSF establishment and registration
  • SMSF administration, including updating of deeds; changing trustee/s and member/s
  • Trustee and compliance obligations advice and assistance
  • Retirement planning*
  • Pension allocations and administration
  • Assistance with applications for Government social security entitlements including the Age Pension
  • Estate tax planning
  • Salary sacrifice superannuation advice*
  • Audit – both financial and compliance.

* MTJ Wealth Management Pty Ltd are Authorised Representatives of Lonsdale Financial Group Ltd ABN 76 006 637 225 | AFSL 246934

Contact us

Phone: +61 2 9487 2333
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office address:

Manser, Tierney & Johnston
Level 1, 4 Forbes Lane
Turramurra NSW 2074

Postal address:

Manser, Tierney & Johnston
PO Box 63
Wahroonga NSW 2076