Integrity and excellence - accounting and financial consulting services

December 2023

 In this issue; Give yourself a super gift this Christmas, Lost or destroyed tax rexords? Don't Panic!, Taken goods for private use? Here's the latest values, Two "main residences" is possible, Don't ignore those tax debts: the ATO won't!, The taxation of super death benefits. Download the PDF Newsletter

November 2023

 In this issue; Who can I nominate as my super beneficiary?, Who is a resident for tax purposes?, When two bonuses are not enough... Introducing the Energy Incentive!, Qualifying as an interdependant or financial dependant, How to nominate a superannuation beneficiary, Download the PDF Newsletter

October 2023

 In this issue; How to reduce your income tax bill using superannuation, Changes to unfair contract terms laws - What businesses need to know, Property developers - and would-be ones - beware!, Small business skills and training boost, Don't overlook the CGT small business roll-over concession, Are you eligible to make a personal deductible contribution? Download the PDF Newsletter

September 2023

 In this issue; Thought of registering a trademark for your new business?, Self-education: when is it deductible?, Avoid schemes targeting SMSFs, Discounting your capital gain, Appointing a SMSF auditor, Costs of a caravan/motor home for work-related travel. Download the PDF Newsletter

August 2023

 In this issue; Trusts - are they still worth it?, Tax Time: Unexpected first-time debts, Gifting to employees, SMSFs & higher interest rates, R&D reminder, Super withdrawl options. Download the PDF Newsletter

July 2023

 In this issue; Super guarantee increases to 11%, Superannuation and the right to delegate, Time for a restructure?, Fair Work changes, Small business lodgement amnesty, Book yourself in for the 'super health check' initiative, Work-related car expenses updated. Download the PDF Newsletter

June 2023

 In this issue; ATP Tax Time focus areas, Super pensions and the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, Generous depreciation in its final days, Do you have a side-hustle?, What are the types of super funds you can contribute to?, Maximising cashflow. Download the PDF Newsletter