Integrity and excellence - accounting and financial consulting services

October 2014

In this issue; Mining tax repeal & other notable tax changes; ATO launches voice authentication; Project DO IT - the ATO's amnesty for offshore tax avoiders; How 'bitcons' are treated for tax purposes; Tax scammer warning; Why it's sometimes worthwhile taking on the taxman; Lost super climbs to $14 billion; GIC and SIC rates for the 2014 December quarter. Download the PDF newsletter


September 2014

In this issue; New ATO initiatives for small businesses; ATO warns property developers to declare income; SMSFs and succession planning; Ignorance of the law is no excuse; SMSFs and trauma insurance; CPI - June 2014 quarter. Download the PDF newsletter


September 2014 (2)

In this issue; New ATO initiatives for small businesses; ATO warns property developers to declare income; SMSFs and succession planning; Ignorance of the law is no excuse; SMSFs and trauma insurance; CPI - June 2014 quarter. Download the PDF newsletter


August 2014

In this issue; Some important tax changes from 1st July; PAYG instalment threshold increases from 1 July 2014; ATO "data mining" program targets offshore tax evaders; New phone scammers target taxpayers with threats; SMSFs and overseas seminars; Get a second (investment) opinion; Small business online dispute resolution services. Download the PDF newsletter


July 2014

In this issue; SuperStream starting 1 July for many employers; ATO's new Business Viablity Assessment Tool; Project DO IT update; ATO Div 7A benchmark interest rate; ATO warning on 2013/14 work-related deductions; 2014/15 Luxury car tax (LCT) limit; ATO campaign warns of tax time scams; IGT - ATO debt collection; GIC and SIC rates for 2014 September quarter; Download the PDF newsletter


SuperStream has arrived

SuperStream is a government reform aimed at improving the efficiency of the superannuation system; Download the PDF newsletter