Integrity and excellence - accounting and financial consulting services

November 2016

In this issue; Don't let a tax debt put you in a spin, 5 tips to get home office deductions right, SMSF compliance for 2016-17, Getting a tax valuation from the ATO. Download the PDF newsletter

October 2016

In this issue; Travel to a workplace: what's in, what's out, Controversial super change scrapped: but other proposals need to be watched, General facts about winding up your business, Start-up businesses: which is the right structure for you? Download the PDF newsletter


Spring 2016 - Financially Speaking

Inside this edition: Beyond Brexit, Timing retirement, Five big questions for AREIT investors, Why having a proper estate plan is so important, Changes to the age pension rules – are you ready?, How to avoid behavioural investment traps

Brought to you by your Financial Planner, MTJ Wealth Management Pty Ltd an Authorised Representative of Lonsdale Financial Group Limited

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September 2016

In this issue; $20,000 write off is only available for small business unless..., What types of legal expenses are allowable as tax deductions?, Borrowed money to pay a business tax debt? Is the interest deductible?, Setting up a SMSF: What you need to know, When is refinancing loan interest deductible to a partnership? Download the PDF newsletter


August 2016

In this issue; Update on the government's superannuation program, Tax time is prime time for scams, The 'sharing economy' in the ATO's sights, Latest ATO benchmarks released, Cents per km deduction rate for motor vehicle expenses, Overtime Meal Allowance Amounts, Div.7A benchmark interest rate, CGT: 2016/17 Improvement threshold. Download the PDF newsletter

July 2016

In this issue; ATO focuses on rental property owners, Case Studies - Holiday home not genuinely available for rent, Incorrect claims for a newly purchased rental property and false claims, Apportioning expenses between joint owners of a property, GIC AND SIC rates for the 2016 September quarter, Car depreciation limit for 2016/17, Goods taken from stock for private use: 2015/16, ATO's deadline for non-arm's length LRBAs extended, Tax implications for the sharing economy, SuperStream deadline extended! Download the PDF newsletter


June 2016 Checklist - Individual

In this issue; Tax saving strategies prior to 1 July 2016, Common work-related claims made by individuals, Information required.Download the PDF newsletter