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June 2012 Checklist - Business

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: Maximising deductions for non-SBE taxpayers, Prepayment strategies - non-SBE, Accelerating expenditure - non-SBE, Accrued expenditure - non-SBE, Maximising deductions for SBE taxpayers, Accelerating expenditure - SBE, Prepayment strategies - SBE, Information required. Download the PDF newsletter.

June 2012 Checklist - Individual

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: Tax saving strategies prior to 1 July 2012, Common work-related claims made by individuals, Information requried. Download the PDF newsletter.

June 2012

In this issue: Click to Download PDFBudget 2012 - Measures previously announced but not going ahead or bing deferred, Phasing out the Mature Age Worker tax offset, Consolidating the dependency offsets into a single tax offset, converting the Education Tax Refund into a new'Schoolkids Bonus', Changes to the Net Medical Expenses tax offset, Non-residents - changes to income tax rates and removal of the 50% CGT discount, Better targeting of the ETP tax offset-crackdown on golden handshakes, Reduction of tax concession for super contributions by high income earners, Company loss 'carry-back' tax relief, Trustee resolutions must be made no later that 30 June, FBT car parking threshold. Download the PDF newsletter.

May 2012

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: Private health insurance and Medicare levy surcharge changes, Super contributions made by EFT on 30 June results in more tax, Taxpayer's early access to super costs dearly, Cents per km car rates for 2011/12, FBT: Benchmark interest rate, FBT: Cents per kilometre basis. Download the PDF newsletter.

April 2012

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: 2011/12 FBT return time, SMSF trustee information packs, New personal tax rates 2012/13, ATO warns of 25,000 reports of scams last year, Coffee shops now an ATO target, Super contribution not in on time costs a taxpayer dearly, Building industry data matching - trade accounts. Download the PDF newsletter.

March 2012

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: Small Business benchmarks for 2012, Government to give Tax Office the power to withhold refunds, Building deductions, Related parties and SMSFs, Retail premiums paid to shareholders. Download the PDF newsletter.

February 2012

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: New reforms announced, Deferral of measures and/or indexation, ATO crackdown on PSI and ABNs, Tax incentive to encourage immunisation, SMSF compliance focus for trustees, ATO Data Matching Programs. Download the PDF newsletter.