Integrity and excellence - accounting and financial consulting services

December 2011

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: ATO warns us again about scams, GST case on promotional discounts, ATO's new stance on mixed supplies, Are all allowances what they say?, Default assessments - non-lodgers, Employer super guarantee contributions to lift to 12%, New tax office GST property tool, Education tax refund data matching, CPI - September quarter 2011. Download the PDF newsletter.

November 2011

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: Christmas gifts, Small business benchmarks, Record-keeping for businesses, ATO's new property webpage, Pacific Seasonal Workers' tax rate reduced. Download the PDF newsletter.

October 2011

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: Spring carnival, year-end and other staff parties, Cash economy and the ATO's benchmarks, ATO and GST compliance, SMSFs and money lending, FBT treatment of signage on a car, GIC & SIC rates for December 2011 quarter. Download the PDF newsletter.

September 2011

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: ATO clamps down on GST fraud and cash income, Meaning of 'cost price' of a car for FBT purposes, ATO Data Matching: Flood and cyclone reconstruction levy, Is an investment made by a trustee always on capital account?, ATO warning about illegally accessing super early, Government committed to superannuation reforms. Download the PDF newsletter.

August 2011

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: ATO focus on SMSFs, Warning: Investing in overseas property, New this year to family tax, Superannuation: Common mistakes made by employers, Car depreciation limit for 2011/12, Reasonable Overtime Meal Allowance Amounts – 2011/12. Download the PDF newsletter.

July 2011

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: Occupations in the spotlight for the 2011 income year, Tax laws amended to allow income 'streaming' by trusts, Flood levy exemption declaration, Deductions for study and job seeking expenses, ATO warning: Unpaid directors' fees, ATO focus on unpaid present entitlements owed to companies, Deductions for TPD insurance. Download the PDF newsletter.

June 2011

Click to Download PDFIn this issue: Budget 2011, ATO focus on employer super obligations, Compliance project: Government stimulus payments, FBT car parking threshold, CGT improvement threshold. Download the PDF newsletter.